Social Networking List and Information to Help You Compare or Leverage Social Media.
What is Social Media?

What is "Social Media" or in many cases it is also called "New Media"? These titles simply stand for a network of online sites designed to connect people in communities across the world via the web. Online photo sharing, video streams, audio networks, facebook, myspace, microblogs, schedule sharing the list goes on and on.
This wiki is a list of social networks and new media categorized and arranged by how you can leverage them for your personal benefit (to choose which one you like the best), to share ideas and opinions, and to teach companies where their consumers are online.
Social media is … a way of using the Internet to instantly collaborate, share information, or have a conversation ideas or causes we care about. It’s a world where anyone can be a publisher, a reporter, an artist, a filmmaker, a photographer or pundit …. Even an activist or citizen philanthropist!" - Beth Kanter in presentation you can see here
Wikipedia says Social media describes the online tools and platforms that people use to share opinions, insights, experiences, and perspectives with each other. Social media can take many different forms, including text, images, audio, and video. Popular social mediums include blogs, message boards, podcasts, wikis, and vlogs.
… and that Web 2.0, a phrase coined by O'Reilly Media in 2004,[1] refers to a perceived second-generation of Web-based services—such as social networking sites, wikis, communication tools, and folksonomies—that emphasize online collaboration and sharing among users.
At its heart, Web 2.0 is about normal everyday people using the Internet to do and create things. Michele at the Web 2.0 in Nonprofits wiki Defining Web 2.0
At greater length
Rise of the participation culture: web pages, or download as pdf
Report by Steve Borsch described as "A high level trend overview for strategists, leaders and marketers on why the Internet and a new wave of Web applications have been embraced by a tech-savvy generation and spawned a culture of participation". The report offes a full range of examples of social media in use, explanation of the Internet as Platform, participation applications, thoughts on what's next and resources.
15 Free Spcial Media White Papers and E books
Round-up from mashable: many with an enterprise focus
What Is Web 2.0? Ideas, Technologies and Implications for Education (pdf download)
Stephen Downes says about this paper by Paul Anderson (UK): This is a very good report capturing some of the main ideas behind Web 2.0 and looking into some of the implications. If you are new to Web 2.0, this is an excellent introduction. The author depicts Web 2.0 not simply as a new set of technologies but also as the emergence of six major ideas: individual production and user generated content, harness the power of the crowd, data on an epic scale, architecture of participation, network effects, and openness.
The Live Web and the Static Web (blog article)
Paul Caplan writing at content to be different says: The Internet is undergoing massive changes. More correctly the uses of the Internet are undergoing massive changes. Arguably the Internet is moving back to its original purpose, networking. It is not just that the technologies are changing and advancing, more importantly the way they are being used is changing and indeed reaching a tipping point where the days of brochures sites, libraries and “broadcast” Internet are becoming a thing of the past.
How online communities can make the net work for the voluntary and community sector
Report from the NCVO ICT Foresight team due out March 28 2007. As Megan Griffith says in this summary, it will cover key strategic opportunities and risks for nonprofits presented by social networking and social media: membership, information, transparency, collaboration, fundraising, and marketing. "The overarching message of the report is that – if properly managed by VCOs – the opportunities that the new social networks present should outweigh the risks. VCOs should not be apprehensive about utilising the tools of social networking, as these will be increasingly familiar to their staff – and relatively inexpensive to set up."
What is Web 2.0
Tim O'Reilly promoted the term in 2003, and here in 2005 develops his ideas further on Design Patters and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software.
What is social media
Blog post by Robert Scoble with lengthy comments
For routes into understanding social media and Web 2.0 see also the section on themes which deals with the characteristics of the web 2.0/social media landscape, and An A-Z of key terms in social media and social networking. You can also see Slides and notes from a workshop run by Beth Kanter and David Wilcox,and a game run at the workshop to help people plan their use of social media
Who started this wiki and why?
In the long run I, Desarae A. Veit or my username on all of these networks desaraev (, started this list for myself and a client (Mark Drapeau of the Department of Defense). This list helps me to categorize and arrange the nearly 1,000 social sites I'm a part of and in the long run helps me to leverage each of these sites for my many clients looking to join their consumers in the online space or just to learn more about their consumer's persona, their wants, needs, and how they can connect on a deeper level.
Find the authors on Twitter:
Mark: Cheeky_Geeky
Desarae: Desaraev
Google's Advice On How Brands Can Leverage Social Media
Learn more about Social Media
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If you know of a site that is not part of the list, please join in the discussion and add it to the wiki on the appropriate page!
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• Wikipedia Media Transparency
• Wikipedia Mashup
• chris-pirillo-what-is-a-social-network
• Wikipedia Social Media
• Wikipedia Social Networks
• Wikipedia Web 2.0
• About Social Software
• What is social media?
• Social Media Campaign Examples
• International Social Media: Twitter in other countries
• Social Media in Plain English:
• Categories on social media, who are you?
• [ Up the ante social media campaign]
• Social Media, what are corporations asking?
• Social Media:
• Twitter tools: Twitter
• Widgets
• Social Media Connects to small business
• Social Media and Corporations
• Personas
• Social Media and Networking
• Social Media Managers
• Marketing through social networking
• Measuring the ROI from social marketing
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