Social Television

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What is social television?

Social television (also social interactive television) is a general term for technology that supports communication and interaction in the context of watching television, or related to TV content. It also includes the study of television-related social behavior. Social television systems can for example integrate voice communication, text chat, presence and context awareness, TV recommendations, ratings, or video-conferencing with the TV set. Social television is an active area of research and development. Most existing social television systems are on a conceptual stage, or exist as lab prototypes, beta or pilot versions.

* 1 Description
* 2 Important publications
* 3 Systems
* 4 See also
* 5 References
* 6 External links

[edit] Description

As a concept, social television is not linked to a specific architecture such as cable, IPTV, peer-to-peer delivery, or internet television. Nor is it necessarily limited to a traditional television screen, but could also be presented on a computer or handheld device such as a cell phone.

[edit] Important publications

* InteractiveTV Today [1] - News about the evolution of social TV as it emerges on interactive multiplatform television. Founded in 1998.
* 2BeOn (Abreu, Almeida, Branco) – 2001
* Reality Instant Messenger (Chuah) – 2002
* Reflexion (Cullinan, Agamanolis) – 2002
* TV Cabo Interactiva (Quico) – 2003
* AmigoTV (Alcatel-Lucent; Coppens et al.) – 2004
* Social software for set-top boxes (Coates) – 2005
* Social TV: Designing for Distributed, Sociable Television Viewing (Xerox PARC; Oehlberg, Ducheneaut, Thornton, Moore, Nickell) - 2006
* CollaboraTV: Using Asynchronous Communication to Make Television Social Again. (AT&T Labs-Research; Harrson, Amento) - 2007
* ConnecTV: Share the Experience (TNO ICT; Boertjes) - 2007
* AMUSE: Mobile TV becomes Social - Integrating Content with Communications (ftw.; Schatz) - 2007

[edit] Systems

* itsmyTV (itsmyTV. Mobile Community Broadcasting)
* TogetherTV (Motorola)
* CoSe (Siemens)
* ConnecTV (TNO ICT)
* Telebuddies (EDM)
* AmigoTV/MyOwnTV (Alcatel-Lucent)
* CollaboraTV (AT&T Labs-Research)
* AMUSE Mobile Social TV (ftw. - Telecommunications Research Center Vienna)
* Joost
* Tribler
* MediaZone

[edit] See also

* Interactive television
* Social software
* Personal broadcasting

[edit] References

* Lora Oehlberg, Nicolas Ducheneaut, James D. Thornton, Robert J. Moore, Eric Nickell. Social TV: Designing for distributed, sociable television viewing. In Proc. of EuroITV (Athens, Greece, May 2006).
* Regan & Todd (2004) Media Center Buddies: Instant Messaging around a Media Center.

[edit] External links

* EuroITV 2007 Social Interactive Television Workshop
* TV Together (Zoom in - Zoom out - based on mobile phones)
* Mobile social network - itsmy - launched 100,000 personal mobile TV channels (itsmyTV - Mobile Entertainment Magazine UK 2008)
* Micro-communities of episodic entertainment viewers
* Connecting couch potatoes (Peer Pressure)
* Second sight (Dave Birch of The Guardian introduces the idea of sending videoclips to other people's set-top boxes)
* Alcatel whitepaper on Amigo TV
* PARC to Make TV Watching More Social (Business Week Online)
* Accessible social software for set-top boxes

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