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My Name is David Wilson and I am the co-owner of Braveheart Design Inc., a search marketing company in New Hampshire. I registered my first web site in 1997 and have spent the last 8 years focused on search marketing with a wide variety of businesses from small start-ups to Fortune 100 companies.
Last year I read Rohit’s article on the 5 Rules of SMO. For a while I had been struggling with how to incorporate social media sites into online marketing and after reading Rohit’s article, it was as if a light had went off in head. Social media optimization and by extension, social media marketing, was the solution that I had been searching for.
As the blog title says, I believe that social media optimization is the merging of traditional media, search engine marketing and social marketing. Join me on this new journey as we explore this new force in online marketing.
If you have any questions about the blog, my thoughts on social media optimization, or any suggestions as to things that you would like to see me talk about please let me know.
If you are interested in hiring my company to manage your social media marketing campaign, you can reach me at 877-949-7334 or by email me at david at
My Social Sites:
* Twitter
* StumbleUpon
* Digg
* Delicious
* Propeller
* Reddit
* LinkedIn
Permalink : Comments (3) : Dec 31st, 1969
3 Responses to “About Me”
1. smoMashup Says:
February 4th, 2007 at 8:32 pm
Rumor on the internet has it that…
You’ve been tagged: HERE
so answer up!! ;)
2. SMO ett självklart komplement till SEO « PR 2.0 Says:
September 18th, 2007 at 5:41 pm
[…] SMO ett självklart komplement till SEO Filed under: Corporate blogs, Marketing, PR, PR 2.0, PR2.0, Public relations, SEO, SMO, blogg, citizen journalism, communication, kommunikation, new media, social media, söktjänster, web 2.0, webb 2.0 — dojan @ 10:41 pm David Wilson är delägare i Braveheart Design Inc, som hjälper företag att synas i söktjänster. För något år sen läste han Rohit’s artikel: “5 Rules of SMO” (social media optimization) vilken fick honom att börja förstå hur han skulle förhålla sig till och utnyttja “social media” för sina klienters syften. […]
3. OObie Boomer Says:
August 4th, 2008 at 2:39 pm
It’s great to hear that your from New Hampshire. Although my wife and I live in Florida and travel. Our hearts are still in the Granite State.
I was born and brought up around the hills of Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H.
If I ever get the hang of this and need marketing, I’ll surely look you up.
Thanks, Carol and Ken B.
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* Ben & Jerry’s Tests Social Media
* A Twitter Site For Critics
* Understanding Generation X and Y Demographics
* Banks Now Targeting Social Networks Like Facebook
* Getting My Arms Around Twitter
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Ben & Jerry’s Tests Social Media
Ben & Jerry’s is arguably the most social-conscience brand on the market today, so it is no surprise to hear that that they are venturing into the social media space. My only question is what took them so long?
Ben & Jerry’s mission has long been called “Peace, Love and Ice Cream” and their new social media campaign titled “Imagine Whirled Peace“combines the launch of a new flavor, “Imagine Whirled Peace,” and 2008’s Peace Day on Sept. 21.
This is a preview of "Ben & Jerry’s Tests Social Media". Read the full post (374 words, 1 image, estimated 1:30 mins reading time)
Filed under Brand Marketing, Social Media Marketing : Comments (1) : Aug 13th, 2008
A Twitter Site For Critics
Twitter uses are used top conveying their message in 140 characters or less. Well now Blippr has taken the Twitter concept and applied it to reviews of book, games, music and movies.
No longer do you have to sift through lengthy reviews to find out what someone thought about the Dark Night move. Paring a review down to 160 characters and a rating really forces reviewers to get to the essential appeal or flaw of the movie being reviewed. For instance, do you really need to know anything more about The Dark Night than “Heath Ledger… Man, he was so different than Nicholson. Not cruel and funny, but disturbing and terrifying. A great movie, great story. Can’t miss it.”.
This is a preview of "A Twitter Site For Critics". Read the full post (203 words, 1 image, estimated 49 secs reading time)
Tags: Twitter
Filed under Social Media Marketing : Comments (0) : Aug 12th, 2008
Understanding Generation X and Y Demographics
Generation Y are those in the 18- to 28-year-old range and as you might imagine they are the most tech savvy of any generation. That means that if you are a company targeting this demographics that you need to be aware of what and how these twenty-something’s are using technology. Forrester recently released its 2008 North America Technographics Benchmark survey and here are some of the findings for the Generation X and Y group.
Generation Y Stats
* 90% of Gen Y own a computer (I would have expected it to be a little higher)
* 82% own a mobile phone
This is a preview of "Understanding Generation X and Y Demographics". Read the full post (293 words, 1 image, estimated 1:10 mins reading time)
Filed under Demographics : Comments (2) : Aug 6th, 2008
Banks Now Targeting Social Networks Like Facebook
With banks struggling with rising mortgage and credit card defaults it is not a big surprise that some of them have turned to social networks as a way to attract attract younger consumers.
Information Week recently mentioned how Netherlands-based bank ING Direct has created their own social networking site called , aimed at first-time homebuyers, with community-oriented forums and advice pages under categories like “Oh Baby!” (for new parents) and “Moving in Together,” for prospective cohabitants.
This is a preview of "Banks Now Targeting Social Networks Like Facebook". Read the full post (435 words, 1 image, estimated 1:44 mins reading time)
Tags: Facebook
Filed under Social Media Marketing : Comments (0) : Aug 4th, 2008
Getting My Arms Around Twitter
I admit it took me a long time to warm up to Twitter. I could not see why anyone was interested in what I was doing right now. I still struggle with the voyeuristic aspects of Twitter but a couple of new applications are helping me overcome my reluctance to using it.
For those of you who don’t know what I am talking about Twitter is a social network that lets you tell your friends what you are doing at any given time. It also lets you see what everyone else is up to. It’s a kind of worldwide bulletin board of tiny messages that form a huge mosaic of everyday activity.
This is a preview of "Getting My Arms Around Twitter". Read the full post (666 words, 1 image, estimated 2:40 mins reading time)
Tags: Twitter
Filed under Social Media Marketing : Comments (0) : Jul 30th, 2008
B-To-B Blogs Experiencing Turbulence
Ten days of hiking, biking, kayaking, swimming, amusement parks and concerts and I am well rested and somewhat ready to return to work:)
While on vacation I read with interest the editorial in BtoB that Forrester Research is reporting that the number of b-to-b blogs started by corporations fell by nearly half from 2006 to 2007 and that the decline in new launches is expected to continue this year.
Why are corporations starting fewer b-to-b blogs? Because they don’t the concept of what a blog is about. A blog is not a place for only new-product happy talk, recycled press releases and customer success stories. Making this content accessible via an RSS button will not make it viral!
This is a preview of "B-To-B Blogs Experiencing Turbulence". Read the full post (301 words, 1 image, estimated 1:12 mins reading time)
Filed under Social Media Optimization : Comments (1) : Jul 28th, 2008
Heading For Vacation
As I head out on vacation to relax and recharge the batteries here are a couple of things that I will be focusing on when I get back.
StumbleUpon: We have a client who is doing very well on StumbleUpon which is driving five figures a month of traffic. I feel that we are only scratching the surface for their site and our focus for the fall will be to make that 6 figures a month..
This is a preview of "Heading For Vacation". Read the full post (181 words, 1 image, estimated 43 secs reading time)
Filed under Social Media Marketing : Comments (1) : Jul 17th, 2008
How Many Customer Reviews Do You Need?
Consumer reviews play a big part in purchase decisions for online shoppers in the US, according to a June 2008 Opinion Research Corporation study.
As reprted in eMarketer 61% of respondents said they had checked online reviews, blogs and other online customer feedback before buying a new product or service. Of those who looked for reviews and other feedback, more than eight out of 10 said such evaluations had at least some influence on their purchases.
These numbers are basically unchanged from a Deloitte & Touche study that that we blogged about last fall.
This is a preview of "How Many Customer Reviews Do You Need?". Read the full post (193 words, 2 images, estimated 46 secs reading time)
Filed under Social Media Marketing : Comments (1) : Jul 14th, 2008
Three Best Social Media Sites For Realtors
During an IM exchange last week we were talking about real estate agents and how social media could help realtors uncover prospective customers. That got me thinking about how I would use social media if I was a real estate agent and what would be the three social media sites I would use.
Disclaimer is that if you are a real estate agent, your first step should be to put up a blog. Once you have an active blog, then you can work on social media sites:)
Site 1: Facebook
This is a preview of "Three Best Social Media Sites For Realtors". Read the full post (376 words, 1 image, estimated 1:30 mins reading time)
Filed under Social Media Marketing : Comments (4) : Jul 8th, 2008
MySpace Numbers Look Strange
I was reading in Advertising Age Cartier, a brand better known for diamond necklaces and $10,000 watches, will advertise its latest collection, Love by Cartier on MySpace,
Now this is not the first time that a luxury brand has hooked up with a social network. Last year I blogged about how Neiman Marcus had picked YouTube as a place to publicize its 100-year anniversary.
What surprised me where comments by Travis Katz, managing director-international operations for MySpace.
Travis was talking abut MySpace demographics and he claimed that:
This is a preview of "MySpace Numbers Look Strange". Read the full post (347 words, 1 image, estimated 1:23 mins reading time)