chinese traditional media

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China: Traditional Media

Advertising in Mainstream Media much Higher

Mainstream media has a much larger reach as compared to social media and hence is a more feasible options for companies seeking to advertise. China's internet penetration is just over 10% , but there is a definite uptake where social media and advertising is concerned. In terms of growth rate, mainstream media has reached a saturation point whereas the opposite is true for social media.

Increasing Online Advertising Revenues and Expenditure

Advertising expenses have increased by around 35% from US$405 million in 2005 to US$605 million in 2006. Analysys International, a Beijing based researcher has anticipated advertising expenses online to increase to US$861 million in 2008. However Deutsche Bank is more aggressive in its estimations and forecasts a growth rate of around 50 percent with the market growing to US$731 million in 2007 to US$1.79 billion in 2008.

China’s leading Internet value-added services provider, Tencent’s online advertising revenues more than doubled over the previous years'. Tencent’s online advertising revenue increased by around 106% this year (112.8 million Yuan). This was a sharp increase from the 54.8 million Yuan attributable to the previous year’s growth. (

Emphasis on Brand-Focused Advertising

According to a study done by Analysys International, 71.3% of online advertising expenditure in China was on brand-focused advertising whereas 28.7% was spent on search engine ads emphasizing particular products/services. Sina and Sohu, leading Chinese internet portals, both earned $5m in advertising revenues attributable to the 2006 FIFA World Cup. Currently, the online advertising market in China is small compared to it’s counterparts in the international markets. However it should be noted that the growth rate for online advertising in China.

China: Advertising - Social Media and PR across Asia

Latest page update: made by steph.siow , May 27 2008, 12:07 PM EDT (about this update About This Update steph.siow Edited by steph.siow

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