Click on the NAME of the blogger to learn more about them, and see some of their articles that relate to social media.
Click here for a blogger template page, if you are adding a new blogger to the list. You can add or delete the information in the template as needed.

- Alie Casey
- Anthony Mayfield
- Articles
- Bill Thompson
- Blah Girls
- Blog
- Blogger Template Page
- Brian Kelly
- Chris Brogan
- Chris G Williams
- Cisco S Internet Business Solutions Group
- Constantin Basturea
- dailybiz blog
- Dan Mcquillan
- Dave Briggs
- David Armano
- David Jennings
- David Wilcox
- Desarae Veit
- Djalchemi
- Dr. David K. Enders
- Ed Mitchell
- Gallomanor Shane Mccracken
- Geoff Livingston
- Giovanni
- Internet Artizans
- I See T
- Jason Falls
- Jason Kitcat
- Jeremy Gould
- Laura S Notebook
- Laura Whitehead
- Lizzie Jackson
- Lloyd Davis
- Lucy Hooberman
- Melodythacker
- Michael Ambjorn
- Michelle Martin
- Miles Maier
- Ncvo Third Sector Foresight Change
- Nesta
- Nick Booth
- Nick Temple
- Paul Henderson
- Paul Webster S
- Ruralnetonline
- School For Social Entrepreneurs
- Scoble
- Seth S Blog
- Shel
- Shereless Graham Lally
- Simon Berry
- Simon Collister
- Simon Dickson
- Smogger
- Social Media Coach
- Steve Bridger
- Steve Dale
- Tim Davies
- Uk Charity News
- Seth's Blog
- Giovanni
- Shel
- Shel Israel
- Geoff Livingston - Buzz Bin
- Social Media Coach
- Chris Brogan
- Chris G. Williams
- Constantin Basturea
- Amanda Chapel
- Billblog Bill Thompson
- Brian Kelly UK Web Focus
- Cased Alie Casey
- Interactive Medias by Desarae Veit
- Charity Blog by UK charity news
- Connected Republic Group blog by Cisco's Internet Business Solutions Group
- Connecting Bristol Blog
- Content to be different Paul Caplan

- DARNet
- DavePress by Dave Briggs
- Delib by E-democracy
- Designing for Civil Society by David Wilcox
- Dissident by Steve Dale
- DJAlchemi by David Jennings
- Gallomanor Shane McCracken
- Internet.artizans by Dan McQuillan
- I-See-T by Paul Henderson
- Jason Kitcat
- Laura's Notebook by Laura Whitehead
- Lizzie Jackson
- London ICT Champion Nonprofit tech support in London by Miles Maier
- Lucy in the sky Lucy Hooberman
- NCVO Third Sector Foresight Change
- nfp 2.0 Community manager by Steve Bridger
- Anthony Mayfield
- Perfect Path Lloyd Davis
- Platform Neutral Ed Mitchell
- Podnosh Nick Booth
- Puffbox Simon Dickson
- Ruralnetonline Ruralnet|uk
- School for Social Entrepreneurs
- Nick Temple
- Shereless Graham Lally

- Simon says by Simon Collister
- Simon's Blog by Simon Berry
- Tim's blog by Tim Davies
- Michael Ambjorn
- Watford Gap by Paul Webster's
- Whitehall Webby Civil Servant by Jeremy Gould
- Beth Kanter
- Bamboo Project by Michelle Martin
- CogDogBlog by Alan Levene
- Full Circle Online Interaction by Nancy White
- NetSquared
- Bev Trayner
- danah boyd
- Cooperation Commons Community blog
- Confession of an Aca/Fan Henry Jenkins
- Connecting the Dots Steve Borsch
- Non-Profit Tech Blog
- Stephen's Web Stephen Downes
- Susie's Blog
- Taming the Spaces Kai Pata
*- DC10plus
- 1 Good Reason - a ‘blog
- 3 Thumbs Up Award
- 360 Digital Influence Blog
- 43 Best Weblogs
- 45 Things
- 500 Days to Fame
- 8 wishes
- 9rules weblog
- 9o1 am
- 100 Bloggers
- 100 words a day
- 101 Cookbooks
- Abundance Highway
- The Accidental Taorist
- Achenblog
- Acquire Wisdom and Live with Passion
- Adversity University Blog
- The Advice Library
- agentgenius
- Alex Shalman
- alexander-t
- Alister Cameron, Blog Consultant
- All Kinds of Writing
- All Things Workplace
- am i famous now …
- American Pai
- amrithallan
- Andy Beard
- Another Blogger
- Antbag
- Anubis Marketing
- Ari Herzog
- Art of Money
- The Art of Non-Conformity
- Art Projects for Kids
- The Artsy Asylum
- arloo
- AskOwlbert
- Ask Dr. Kirk
- Aspie Chronicles
- Atlantic Canadas Small Business Blog
- Attract More Customers
- back in skinny jeans
- backyard conversations
- Bad Language
- Balanced Life Center
- Barry J. Moltz blog
- the BBP Blog
- bbluesman=Mark Forman
- Because I’m Your Father
- Because Netiquette Matters
- Becoming Learner Centered
- behind the glasses
- Believe
- Bell Ringer Public Relations
- Benjamin on WOWNDAD!
- Best of Mother Earth
- Beyond Blinking Lights and Acronyms
- Big Blog Directory
- BigBlog Media
- BIGG success
- Biz Growth News
- Bizhack
- Biz Plan Hacks
- Black in Business
- blending the mix
- Blog About Your Blog
- Blog Chalk Talk
- Blogspoke
- Blogs et IE
- The Blog Columnist
- Blog U
- Blog4Bloggers
- BlogBlog
- Blog Business World
- Blogebrity
- Blog for Profit
- Bloggeratto
- The Blogger Links Benefactor
- Blogger Lounge
- BloggersBlog
- Bloggers Buzz
- Blogging for Business
- Bloggers Pakistan
- Blogging Bits
- BloggingBlog
- Blogging Pro
- Blogging Sueblimely
- The Blogging Times
- bloghacker
- ‘BlogHer
- The Blog Herald
- Blogkardesligi
- blogmundi
- Blog Network Watch
- The Blog of Dysfunction
- Blogopreneur
- Blogosquare
- The Blog Studio
- blogvert
- Blogwrite for CEOs
- Blood and Treasure
- =) Bnpositive’s Blog
- Bold Enterprises
- Borderland
- Brain Based Biz
- Brain Based Business
- Branding Marketing Myblog
- brandsizzle
- Brandywine Books
- Brent’s Social CRM Blog
- Brian Gardner Media
- Brian Kim [dot] net
- Brian Shih [dot] com
- Brightmeadow
- Broadcasting Brain
- Bruce Clay Inc
- brunotorres
- bryan strawser
- A Bugged Life
- Build a Solo Practice, LLC
- Business Is Personal
- The Business of America Is Business by David Starling
- Business Blog Hive
- Business Blogging Tips
- Business and Blogging
- BusinessBlogwire
- Business of Design Online
- Business on the Mound
- Business Opportunities and Ideas
- Business Performance Coaching
- Buzzoodle Buzz Marketing
- California is a recipe for a Black Hole
- Candice
- The Career Strategist
- Carl Ocab
- Carnival of Creators
- carpe factum
- Notebook Web of Cedric Giorgi
- central iown bloggers
- ceslava
- Changemaker: Change Your Life
- change therapy
- Change your thoughts
- Chartreuse (BETA)
- Chepners House
- Chief Happiness Officer
- Chinmayd
- Chris Raynes . com
- church tech matters
- Cindy King
- Circular Communication
- C’Ks Blog
- ckwebb
- Clear Your Mind
- Client Magnet
- Climb to the Stars
- Clever Start
- Coffee Jitters
- Collaborative Ideation
- Colour Lovers
- Com Hacker
- Come Gather Round
- Common Sense PR
- Communication Overtones
- copes flavio
- competizione
- CompuWorld
- comunisfera, observatorio de e-comunicacion
- Conference Calls Unlimited
- Confessions of an Executive Recruiter
- Confident Writing
- confused of calcutta
- Connected Content
- Content Done Better
- Consuming Experience
- Conversation Agent “
- Converstations
- Copyblogger
- The Copywriter Underground
- The Copywriting Maven
- Cosmedia
- Cottontimer
- Couch Culture
- Count Wordula
- Crazy Aunt Purl
- Craig’s site
- create business growth
- Creating a Better Life
- Creating Passionate Users
- Creating Your Name Brand
- Creative Curio
- Creative Freelancing
- Creative Think
- CREEations
- css mania
- CustServ
- Customer Service Experience
- Customer Relations-The New Competitve Edge
- customers are always
- Cuileann McKenzie
- Cypherhackz
- The D Spot
- Daily Apps
- Daily Blog Tips
- Daily Tech News
- The Daily Tee
- Daniel B. Honigman’s Site
- Dan Mosqueda
- Dating Profile of the Day
- dave
- David Airey
- david finch
- DavidMaister
- Dean Hunt . com
- Debbie Millman
- Decadent Tranquility
- Deborah Woehr
- dedestruct
- Denise Kincy Grier’s Writing Journey
- deep jive interests
- Department of Internets
- Design MeltDown
- design your writing life
- Designers Who Blog
- deVCeed
- Different Pixel
- DigBusiness
- Disruptive Thoughts
- Doc Searls Weblog
- Documenting Fanaticism
- Dr. Deborah Serani
- dooce
- dorion
- Dossy’s Blog
- Digital pr Italy
- The Discomfort Zone
- The Disquiet in Men
- Dorais Techlog
- Drew’s Marketing Minute
- duller.kukuchew
- Duct Tape Marketing
- Earth & Sky
- Eat4Today
- eBeauty Daily
- Echo Echo
- Edge
- Educational Technology and Life
- Egg Marketing Blog
- Elaine’s Place
- elearning source
- Elemental Truths
- ELSE/Where Mapping
- Email Our Military
- Empathy
- The Engaging Brand
- Enhance Life
- Enter the Laughter
- entrepreMusings
- Essential Keystrokes
- Enterprising Guitar Blog by Dan’l
- ePublishingdaily
- eric setiawan
- Escape Blog
- Escape from Cubicle Nation
- Every Dot Connects
- Everything Finance
- Evolving Times
- Experience Curve
- Eye on DNA
- fadtastic >
- Family Travel
- Fashion-Incubator
- The Fem Geek
- On Financial Success
- Finding the Money
- Finding the Sweet Spot
- finding your marbles
- Fit for Freedom
- fizz
- Flooring the Consumer
- The Fluent Self
- flyteblog
- Fool for Five
- Footsteps in the Mirror
- Fortify Your Oasis
- Fractals of Change
- Franchise Pick
- Franke James
- fredscapes
- Freelance Writing Jobs
- freshblog
- Fresh Focus on Productivity
- Friday Traffic Report
- friendly bit
- The Frugal Law Student
- frugal underground
- Fuel My Blog
- Funny Emails
- gapingvoid
- Geek With Laptop
- Geeked Info
- Geeklives 365
- geekpreneur
- Geeks are Sexy
- Genetics and Health
- Genuine Curiosity
- Get Rich Slowly
- Giddy Tigers
- Gifter
- girls can’t what
- Glenda Watson Hyatt
- Global Neighbourhoods
- golfnoise
- The Good Blogs
- goodblogger
- good to know
- good word editing
- Google Blogoscoped
- GottaGettaBlog!
- Gratitude Magic
- Great Big Small Business Show
- Great Presenations Mean Business
- Green Media Toolshed
- The Growing Life
- Guerilla Consulting
- guxq
- the happy burro
- half-arse ideas
- hamelife
- Happenings, advice, & other technology thoughts!
- Have Laptop Will Travel
- healthy Web Design
- Heart of Business
- Hidden Helper
- HillybillyPhd
- Home Office Women
- Homeless Family’s Blog
- the Hot Iron
- Hoshichan
- House of Luxe
- How to Be an Original
- How to Blog by Emily Robbins
- the How-To Geek
- how to save the world
- Howard Lizdzon
- hungry for hunger
- I Can Has Cheez Burger
- I:Eye, lifestyle directory
- I Succeed by Helping You Succeed
- Ian McKenzie
- Ideas for WOMEN
- iDunzo .com
- iface thoughts
- ifelse
- ifthenelse
- I Got News for You
- iJump!
- illumiblog
- Implementing Scrum
- The Imus Show Blog
- in over your head
- indeterminacy
- Information Wants to Be Free
- The Ink Blog
- India PR Blog
- influx
- Inner 88
- Innovative Business Golf Solutions
- Innovations Bliss
- Innovation Zen
- iPlot
- Inside Fatherhood
- Inside MAG
- inspiration bit
- Inspired Business Growth
- Inspired Moneymaker
- The Inspired Solo
- Internet Moment
- Interview Chatter
- Instigator Blog
- Itty Biz
- ‘Invincibelle
- Intent Blog
- internetbazaar tips!
- Invinvibelle
- iStrategy Labs
- It’s a numeric life
- It’s Different for Girls
- It’s Not about Your Stuff
- The J spot
- jaffee juice
- Jamdo
- Jamie Harrop
- Jamloceng
- Janet Lee Johnson
- Janice Tips and Tricks
- Jazz Cafe Borja
- JC
- JeetBlog
- Jeff Gammons STORM CHASER
- Jeff Pulver Blog
- Jersey Todd
- Jessica Doyle ca
- JibberJobber
- Jim Gibbon
- Jobpundit
- Johansundkvist
- John Curtis
- john place online
- John TP
- jonathan fields
- Jontus Media
- Josh Klein Web Strategy
- Joshuaink
- Joy of Autism
- Joyful, Jubilant Learning
- Juggling Frogs
- jules . ca
- Just Creative Design
- Just Thinkin’
- Just Make Money Online
- Keng
- Kent Blumberg
- kmarblogsome
- Keith Dsouza
- Kickass Web Design
- Kicking the Gourd
- The Kiss Business Too
- Knit 1 Blog Too
- Know More Media
- La Marguerite
- The Leadership Challenge
- Leadership Made Simple
- Leadership Notes
- Lead Quietly
- leah in chicago
- Legal Andrew
- Lessons fron the Scrapbook Page
- leo @ officenet [dot] com
- Leutola blogi
- Levite Chronicles
- Life as I See It
- Life Beyond Code
- Life Clever
- Life Dev
- Life in Perpetual Beta
- Life of a Belly Dancer WannaBe
- Life Through My Eyes
- LifeUrbanist
- A Life Unrehearsed
- Light Within
- LighterFootstep
- Lip-Sticking
- lil duck duck
- Linkedintelligence
- Little Mayvelous Things
- Live Live Where You Want
- Live Your Best Life
- Lives Less Ordinary
- Living Leadership
- Living with Multiple Personalities
- Logic + Emotion
- Logical Emotions
- Loosely Speaking
- Lorelle on Wordpress
- Lost Art of Blogging
- Louise’s UK Recruiter Blog
- Lumpy’s Corner
- marcel
- Mad Baggage Rambling
- Make Blog
- Make It Great
- Make Marketing History
- Making life work for you
- Mama Mouse’s Chatter
- managementboek nl
- Management Craft
- Manage to Change
- The Man in a Box
- mandarine
- The Many Faces of Mike
- M.A.P. Maker
- Marketing Basics
- The Marketing Fresh Peel
- Marketing Hipster
- Marketing Pilgrim
- Marketing Profs Daily Fix Blog
- Marketing Tools Review
- Matt Cutts: Gadgets, Google, and SEO
- May It Please the Court
- MBA On the Run
- McLellan Marketing Group
- Media Dragon
- Mediator Tech
- Medical Blog Network
- Metafluence
- Michael Stelzners Writing White Papers
- Michael Sync
- Michelle Styles
- Middle Zone Musings
- minidiario jhispanos para network marketing
- modern fabulousity
- MojoPages
- Mom Gadget
- Moments of Clarity
- monetary web
- A Month in Venice
- Motivation Emergency
- mousewords
- Movie Marketing Madness
- Muhammad Saleem
- Mujeres de Empresa
- Multifaith Hall of Fame
- MyST Blogsite
- My Thoughts, Ideas, and Ramblings
- My Year of Getting Published
- Naked Conversations
- National Networker
- Neal Pollack’s Alternadad
- Neat Living
- nektros
- net business blog
- The Net-Savvy Jobseeker
- The New Flatness
- new music strategies
- Next Up
- Ninja Poodles
- no ones listening
- noblessoblige
- NoBSFinance
- Novelist in Training
- Occam’s RazR
- O’Flaherty blog
- Office Freaks
- Ohad News
- onebyone media
- One Reader at a Time
- One Kind Act
- Online Marketing Blog
- Online Media Cultist
- Online Sales Success
- OnlineSPIN
- oomph
- Open innovators
- The Opinions of a Loud Mouth Man
- Opposite George
- Orbit Now
- The Organic Leadership Blog
- Overheard in
- Out of a Stormy Sleep
- Own your brand
- PR 2.0
- Pajama Market
- Pajama Professional
- The Parody
- Passion Meets Purpose
- PDF to Excel Conversion and other stuff
- Performancing
- Personal PR
- Petrona
- Philabytes
- Phil Butler Unplugged
- Phil’s Proof
- phocks
- Photo Matt
- Pick the Brain
- Pig Notes
- pingable
- pink apple connections
- Pixelscribbles
- Plagiarism Today
- Plain Jane Mom
- Planet Webdev
- Political Calculations
- A Politically Incorrect Entrepreneur
- Polliwogs Pond
- Pop! PR Jots
- popurls
- Ponto media
- Positive Communication
- The Positivity Blog
- Pothole on the Infobahn
- Pow! Right Between the Eyes
- PPC Advice
- Practical Blogging
- Presentation Zen
- principled innovation
- Priscilla Palmer
- pro Blog Design
- Productivity Goal
- ProffBlogger
- Psychcentral
- Public Relations India Open Source PR
- Publishing 2.0
- The Publishing Spot
- Pure Blogging
- purple wren communications
- pvt guy
- QMusings
- Queen of Spain
- Questallia …
- Quick Online Tips
- Quipping Queen
- Qwerty
- R Web Designs
- Ramblings from a Glass Half Full
- Random Good Stuff
- Rattle the Cage
- Reader Appreciation Project
- The Real Blogger Status
- Real Lawyers
- Real Estate Agents World
- Realtor Weblog
- Reason 4 Smile ‘
- Redbank TV
- The Reign of Ellen
- Remarkablogger
- remarkable communication
- Re:Retro
- Resonanace Partnership Blog
- Rick Grant & Associates
- Rick Wolff
- the-ripple-effect
- ririan project
- the-ripple-effect
- Roberta Ferguson
- Rock Your Day
- rohdesign
- The Rugged Notebooks Blog
- sambharmafia
- Saul Colt
- The Savvy Entrepreneur
- Sawse It Up, Stir It Up!
- Science and Politics
- Scorpias Gaming Lair
- Scot Herrick
- Scrapbook Marketing
- scribbit
- Scribble Designs
- Search Engine Marketing Musings from an Old School SEO
- searchMatters
- Seb’s Random Thoughts
- the Secret Diary of a Bonafide Marketing Genius
- Selfish Giving
- Semantic Drift
- Sensational Color
- Serenity Quest
- Seth Godin’s Blog
- Servant of Chaos
- Service Untitled
- shake well before use
- Shards of Consciousness
- Shirley Buxton
- Sifry’s Alerts
- Simple Help
- Simplenomics
- simplerich
- Sippin’ Whisky
- sirjoe
- Six Degrees of Inspiration
- Six Revisions
- Skinny Moose Media
- Slightly Mordant
- Small Biz Survival
- Smart Wealthy Rich
- Small Business Blogging Scout
- Small Business Enterpreneur’s Blog
- Small-business-Resources
- Small Dogs Paradise
- Snapup
- sniki
- Social Media Club
- Social Media Explorer
- The Social Media Marketing Blog
- Social Media Optimization
- Social Patterns Search Engine Marketing
- Social Times
- Solo Business Marketing
- solostream webstudio
- Some Assembly Required
- Somewhat Frank
- Sonnie’s Porch
- So You Want to Teach?
- spatially relevant
- sparkplugging
- Spirit in Gear
- Spooky Action
- Squibble
- Startup Princess
- Steli Efti
- Stenstropedia
- Steve Farber Extreme Leadership
- Steve Olson Com
- Stop/Start
- Stories by REL
- Strategic Conversations
- Strategic Design
- Strategic Name Development
- Strategic Public Relations
- Strategy Stew
- Stronger Teams Blog
- studentlinc
- Student PR
- Success Begins Today
- Success CREEations
- Success from the Nest
- Success Part 2
- sudelblog_de
- Sumeetjains’s Treasures
- Sunny Schlenger
- Symplebyte
- Taggling
- Tales of a Smartup
- Tammy Green - My Aggregated Life
- Tech Buzz
- Technical Bliss
- technical blog
- Technosailor
- Technology Evangelist
- Techno Marketer
- Technotheory
- Techtites
- TechZ Online
- Telling It Like It Is
- Ten Keyboards
- that canadian girl
- The 501c Files
- Trevor Hampel
- Think Positive Blog!
- the thinking blog
- Thinking Home Business
- This Garden Is Illegal
- thomas r. clifford
- Tlog
- Todd and the Power to Connect
- Torres Burriel
- Tracksuit CEO
- Traffick
- Traffikd
- Trevor Hampel
- Tutorials Garden
- Twenty Steps
- Twittering on the Edge
- Typehacks
- Ubuntu Switch
- Unconventional Thinking
- unpopular web culture
- Untwisted Vortex
- Upper Fort Stewart
- Urlfan
- Usabilityworks
- Utah Tech Jobs
- Vamsi Gangavalli
- Vandelay Website Design
- vc cafe
- Verge New Media
- Vaspers the Grate
- Video Pod Chronicles
- A View from the Isle
- Vitaly Friedman
- The Viral Garden
- Virtualogoplay
- Virtual Impax
- The Virtual Wire
- The Vocabulary Reclamation Project
- Wabi Sabe Me
- walk on
- Weblog Tips and News
- Weblog Tools Collection
- WebUpon
- Web Worker Daily
- Web Urbanist
- Web and the City
- Webernetting
- Wendy Piersall
- What Would Dad Say
- What’s Innovation Got to Do With It?
- Where Is Basil?
- Whimspiration
- Why Does Everything Suck?
- Wired PR Works
- Wintermute’s blog
- wishful thinking
- Word Sell, Inc
- Words of a Broken Mirror
- Work for You
- Work at Home Mom’s Talk Radio Blog
- Workboxers
- Working at Home on the Internet
- Working Blogger
- working solo
- Work n Play
- Workout4bloggers
- The Wrong Advices
- Wilson’s Blogmanac
- Win Extra
- The Write Path
- Writer’s Notes
- Write to Done
- Writer’s Blog
- Writers Blog Alliance
- The Writer’s Technology Companion
- Writers Unbound
- A Writer’s Words, an Editor’s Eye
- Writing Clear and Simple
- Writing Great Ezines and Blogs
- Wuching
- Wyome
- Yap 3.0
- Yellow House Hosting
- You Already Know This Stuff
- You the Brand
- Your Daily Blogging Tips and Web 2.0 Development
- Your Financial Freedom
- melodythacker
- Zaney Pixel
- The Zehnkatzen Times
- The Zero Boss
- zlythern
- Zoli’s Blog
- zoomstart
- Scripting News
- Engadget
- Declan McCullagh's Politech
- Groklaw
- Scobleizer — Tech geek blogger
- John Battelle's Searchblog
- Doc Searls Weblog
- ongoing
- Jon Udell
- Venture Chronicles
- mozillaZine
- Gizmodo
- AppleInsider
- Techdirt
- PVRblog
- Scott Rosenberg's Links & Comment
- Geek News Central
- Chris Pirillo
- Lessig Blog
- MacMinute
- Daring Fireball
- Think Secret
- PressThink
- Social Media
- Todd Bishop's Microsoft Blog
- Dan Bricklin's Log
- The Spam Weblog
- Jeremy Zawodny's blog
- Boing Boing
- Grant News
- Channel 9
- Responsible Nanotechnology
- Schneier on Security
- Joi Ito's Web
- tecosystems
- Jonathan Schwartz's Blog
- Between the Lines
- IEBlog
- digg
- BusinessWeek Online — Tech Beat
- The Importance of…
- Terra Nova
- / Main
- Ars Technica
- whatsnextblog
- jkOnTheRun
- Micro Persuasion
- Mini-Microsoft
- Science Blog -
- Kim Cameron's Identity Weblog
- Science Blog -
- Simon Phipps, SunMink
- Romenesko
- BuzzMachine
- BeyondVC
- WWdN: In Exile
- Matt McAlister
- Things That … Make You Go Hmm
- Security Fix
- O'Reilly Radar
- TiVo Blog
- Seth's Blog
- Security Awareness for Ma, Pa and the Corporate Clueless??
- Apple Matters
- The Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC)
- The Blog Herald
- my blog
- iLounge | All Things iPod, iPhone, iTunes and beyond
- Slashdot
- TechCrunch
- Search Engine Watch
- Freedom to Tinker
- Internet Sector and Stocks Analysis from Seeking Alpha
- Kotaku
- Lifehacker
- The Mac Observer
- Silicon Valley Watcher - the business of disruption
- Connections
- SunbeltBLOG
- Burnham's Beat
- Cleantech Investing
- The Gadgeteer
- XplanaZine
- - Marketing and Technology Discussed
- Blog
- Alice Hill's Real Tech News - Independent Tech
- Justin's Guide
- Tech-Confidential
- Geek Culture
- GigaOM
- BusinessWeek Online - Blogspotting
- TaoSecurity
- - A Revolution is the Solution
- 1080eye: Mark Kersey's HDTV News Blog
- hypebot
- GPS Review
- The RFID Weblog
- GigaOM
- Michael Gracie
- (Obsolete Feed)
- Tech Confidential
- Tech Confidential Blog
See Also: