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Australia: Social Media
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Australians and Web 2.0
Consumer Generated Media Activities in Australia & New Zealand Consumer Generated Media Users (CGM)
According to the news release by Nielsen Online about CGM in Australia and New Zealand presents some interesting findings about the social media users and their behaviours in these Asia Pacific countries:
Who Are The CGM Users?
* The percentages of each activity is almost the same in both Australia and New Zealand.
* However, New Zealanders appear to be slightly more engaged in consumer generated media compared to Australians
* Early adopters of CGM activities are more likely to be males over 35 but women are expected to catch up in the later periods
CGM User Behaviours
* The key drivers of the use of CGM in both countries are peer recommendation and influence - if their friends are participating in certain CGM activities, there is a higher possibility that they would be interested to participate as well
* The main gripe of users is how time consuming most CGM activities are
* Once users are familiar with simple CGM activities like online profiles, they will usually advance to more advance activities like commenting and editing CGM created by others.
(Source: Neilsen Online. Consumer Generated Media: Evolution or Revolution. 26 Feb 2008)
Users - Social Media and PR across Asia
In another report done by Forrester on Customers' Social Technographics Profile, 44% of Australia's internet users are active participants. The graph here gives a detailed breakdown of the user's profile.
The number of critics and spectators make up the majority portion of active users in Australia. This shows that currently the Australian population is into commenting on and looking out for information on-line instead of actively creating new information.
Users in Various Social Media Forms
Australia and New Zealand Social Networking StatisticsSocial Networking
Neilsen Online has also released a report on some social networking statistics for Australia and New Zealand and it is interesting to note some of the differences on how social media is used in these two Asia Pacific countries:
Similarities in Usage
- The majority of social media users in these two countries started in the past year
- At least 30% of the respondents from both countries claim to have joined, looked, created and updated their social network profiles
- About 40% of the respondents in both countries spend between 1 to 4 hours on their main profile
Difference in Motives:
The catalyst for the use of social media in Australia was curiosity when 34% said they wanted to try having their profiles because they knew others who had one and 34% said they signed up after receiving email invitation from others BUT in New Zealand, the catalyst is driven by the desire to reconnect with people from the past (42% of respondents)
Characteristics of Social Networking Users in Australia:
In Australia, the growth experienced in social networking has been driven most recently by female profile creators, with this demographic experiencing a 33% surge in update in the past three months despite significantly earlier adoption by males.
Which is the most popular social networking site in Australia and New Zealand?
Australia and New Zealand's preferences for social networking sitesFrom this chart you can see the variations in choice of social networking sites used in these countries. Many users have profiles on more than one site because of the varying culture that differs from site to site. The popularity of each social networking site is also determined by the herd mentality - where my friends are at, that's where I'd be.
Australians' preferred social networking sites are MySpace, Facebook and Friends Reunited.
New Zealand social media users' preferred social networking sites are Old Friends, Bebo and MySpace. According to Meg Tsiamis, Australian IT claims that "that 2.6 million Australians use Facebook which is 20% of people with internet in Australia.
Melanie Ingrey, Market Research Director of Neilsen Online (Asia Pacific) commented that "it’s important to realise that different social networking platforms cater to varying online identity desires… Sites such as MySpace essentially promote a fantasised identity where relationships are based on common network interests while Facebook is grounded in real identity and online connections are simply an extension of real friendships. Then you have sites such as LinkedIn which promote social networking for business and career advancement purposes."
(Source: Neilsen Online. Pacific Surfers Ride Social Networking Room. 12 Feb 2008)
Virtual Worlds Take-up - Second Life
According to Second Life, Australia was ranked the 11th country by 'Active User Accounts' and 'Active User Hours' at 10, 885 (2% of total Second Life population) and 552,034.50 hours (1.96% of total hours spent) in January 2008.
In the business perspective, Lee Hopkins has provided some tips for companies who are considering the use of Second Life as part of their marketing/corporate communications strategy like:
* Get to know the cultural landscape of Second Life
* Improve, don't invade
Are Australians underrepresented in social media?
In an interview with Meg Tsiamis, she kindly cited Ross Dawson's article which suggest that Australians are indeed underrepresented "by a factor of six or so" due to the proportion of English blogs out in the blogosphere. One of the reasons he cited for this underrepresentation would be:
* The lack of bandwidth in Australia
* The high cost of internet
* Australian internet connections are slower compared to the rest of the world
* Australia caps usage at very low levels
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