What is Sniki Wiki?
Sniki Wiki is a categorized encyclopedia of social media. Currently made up of over 40 sections and 1000+ social networks, Sniki lists companies leveraging social media for clients, and provides information on organizations building campaigns that integrate social media to connect with customers.
As a Wiki, the site is constantly evolving and growing. If there is something that you can’t find, we want to know about it! It is easy to add a site or company from the links at the bottom of each category's LIST page.
1. Enter the name or Company into the Add New Page form at the bottom of the bar (to the left)
2. If the page already exists it will direct you there, if not it will automatically open up a template page.
3. Enter any information you know about the site. Including pictures, links, and resources.
4. Save the page you edited
5. Click on the Options button at the bottom right of the page. Then click parent. Start typing the name of whatever category you think applies to your new page. (categories are the names of the navigation at the top of the page)
This is a very important step because it gives your page breadcrumbs for navigation, and also automatically applies it to which ever list you choose.
6. At the bottom of the page (near the options button) click Tags and add a list of words you think describe your page.
Social Software, Social Media, Social Marketing….What is this Stuff?
From conducting marketing research and understanding modern PR, to networking relief workers during a national disaster cleanup, the power of social media is harnessed by businesses large and small.
Different missions require different social software, and though many novice end users may know their mission requirements, they are unaware of which Web 2.0 tools are best tailored to their needs. Sniki Wiki aims to help such users through this social software encyclopedia, by cataloging and describing the properties of social networking sites as they are developed.
We encourage you to use Sniki for your own research and welcome your contributions as we continue to grow!
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- Click hereto learn how to create a new page.
- Click hereto learn how to edit pages.
- Click here to learn how to add a comments section to a Sniki Page.
More About Sniki
- Click here to learn about the founders.
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This wiki is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. Prior to redistributing and content on this site, please read through the license agreement.
While you are allowed to use any of the information on this site, it is illegal to use any of the material or alter any of the content in Sniki with out referencing the founders of the wiki (Mark Drapeau and Desarae Veit), including the name of this wiki (sniki), and a link to the page you found your information.
* Click here to learn more about contributing
Great pages to check out
- Click here to learn more about social media.
- Click here to see a list of social media campaigns.
- Click hereto view a glossary of helpful terms
- Click hereto see a list of companies who offer social media services.
- Click hereto see a list of companies using social media to connect to clients
If you know of a site that is not part of the list, please join in the discussion and add it to the wiki on the appropriate page! Join Now.