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What is Social Media Measurement?
Social media measurement refers to the tracking of various social media content such as blogs, wikis, micro-blogs, social networking sites, video/photo sharing websites, forums, message boards, and user-generated content in general. Social Media Measurement is growing as a method used by marketer to determine the volume and sentiment around a brand or topic in social media.[1]
Social media measurement has evolved from other terms such as social media monitoring and social media analysis. The term social media measurement became more popular in 2007 and reflects a more calculated measurement as opposed to simple alerting of events or analysis individual results.[2] [3] [4]
Social media measurement is based around a series of factors including:
* Engagement
* Influence
* Breadth
* Duration
* Sentiment
* Search Visibility
* Reputation
* New Initiators
* User Generated Content
* Insight
* Net Promoter Score
* Topics
* Motivations
* Drivers
* Competitive Dynamics
* Brand advocacy
[edit] References
1. ^ Li, Charlene, Bernoff, Josh (2008). groundswell: winning in a world transformed by social techrnologies. Boston, Massachesetts: Harvard Business Press
2. ^
3. ^
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