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About Ruby on Rails Community
Rails Become part of the Rails family
Mailing lists
The general list is where Rails users come to seek help, announce projects, and discuss all kind of matters surrounding the framework and the community. If you're working on a patch, you can raise issues on the core list. We also have a dedicated list for and Prototype talk on Javascript and Ajax. Finally, there's the security announcement list for critical patches.
The Rails wiki is the sprawling, weird, and wonderful pot of user contributions to the documentation and the Rails knowledge sphere. If you can't find something in the books or official guides, there's a good chance you can find it here.
Sometimes its just easier to get help or discuss matters in real time. The #rubyonrails channel on allows for just that. Try #rails-contrib if you want help or discuss your patch to Rails itself. Need an IRC client?
Bug tracking
Bugs and enhancements are tracked with lighthouse. You can find the source itself on Github.
Ruby on Rails was created by David Heinemeier Hansson, a partner at 37signals,
then extended and improved by a core team of committers and hundreds of open-source contributors.
Rails is released under the MIT license. Ruby under the Ruby License.
"Rails", "Ruby on Rails", and the Rails logo are trademarks of David Heinemeier Hansson. All rights reserved.
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