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What are these lists?
The following is a list of companies who are using social media, non-profits using social media, and the bottom list is of companies who offer social marketing services.
Who does NOT belong on this list
Please note that just because your company has a website does not mean you can add yourself to this list, you need to be using social media. The company links also need to go to another internal page that talks about the company and the company's social marketing campaign(s) — (see the example layout link above to see how it should look). Inside that page you may link to your company and blog. Please remove any links that do not follow these guidelines.
Navigating the list
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Business Using Social Media to Connect with Clients

- Abc
- Acorn Creative
- Acorncreative Com
- Animal Planet
- area/code
- August Ash
- Avon Cancer Crusade
- Beezbox
- Brand Intel
- Burton
- Butler Huson Allen
- Buzz Logic
- Caps Dental Plan
- Carmichael Lynch
- Center Of The American Experiment
- Cherp
- Coca Cola
- Commercial Furniture Solutions
- Craftsmen Home Improvements
- Dell
- Digital Ives
- Discovery Channel
- Doritos
- Dveit
- Energy Management Systems
- Example Layout For Organizations Pages
- Example Layout For Organizations Pages2
- Ford
- Freelancers
- Gannett
- Hallmark
- Ibm
- Jet Blue
- List of Industry Professionals
- Mcdonoalds
- Myfreeestimates Com
- Mzinga
- Pixel Bros Interactive
- Podany S Home And Office Furniture
- Risdall
- Social Media Interviews
- Social Media Mafia
- Social Text
- South West Airlines
- Step Ahead Web Strategies
- Target
- Time Magazine
- TMAE Marketing
- Touch Graph
- Vocus
- voice results
- Wiggin
- Zappos
- Time Magazine
- Adidas
- Gannett
- American Airlines
- McDonoalds
- Apple
- Army
- Aston Martin
- August Ash — Awesome web design and development firm based in Minneapolis, MN
- Best Buy Corporate
- Jet Blue
- Home Depot
- Whole Foods
- Dell
- Mzinga
- Best Buy
- Burton
- Butler Huson & Allen MnFamilyLaw.com
- Caps Dental Plan
- Carmichael Lynch
- Center of the American Experiment
- Coke — The BIG Soda Pop Company
- Commercial Furniture Solutions
- Craftsmen Home Improvements
- Diggnation
- Digital Ives
- Dodge Charger
- Doritos
- Dove
- Dveit
- Energy Management Systems
- FedEx
- Finger Hut
- Fox
- General Mills
- GM (auto)
- GoDaddy
- GoMedia
- Great River Energy Bike Festival
- Guess
- Harley Davidson
- History bound
- Hubspot
- Iowa State University
- Jack Links Beef Jerky
- JetBlue
- John Stewart - Daily Show (comedy central)
- Kare 11
- Kodak
- Levis
- LumiData
- M&M's — The yummy chocolate filled candy company
- Macys
- Mashable
- Microsoft
- MSN Autos
- My Life My Style My Place — Real Estate Agent
- MyFreeEstimates.com
- National Defense Academy
- Nestea
- Nike
- Nordstroms
- Olympics 2008
- Pepsi
- Philips
- Podany's Home and Office Furniture
- Porsche
- Revision3
- Saks 5th Ave.
- Samsung
- Sniki Wiki
- South West Airlines
- Stephen Colbert - Colbert Nation
- Target
- Virgin Mobile
- Visi
- Wired Magazine
- Zappos
- Comcast
- Dunkin Donuts
- Home Depot
NON-Profit Business Networking
Must be related to Web, Design, Advertising, Marketing, and Social Media
- AdFed
- Social Media Breakfast
- Social Media Happy Hour
- Blog World
- SxSW
- Gnomex
- Social Media Club
Must offer Web Design, Advertising, and Marketing
Who OFfer Social Media and Mareting
- August Ash
- Alltop
- Ciceron
- Catalyst
- AcornCreative.com
- Carmichael Lynch
- Gage Marketing
- Cambel Mithun
- Periscope
- Risdall
- Crayonista
- Cherp
- Campaigns - A list of the company campaigns using social media
- social-media-marketing-campaigns
- social-marketing
- social-marketing-research
- campaign
- Companies using Twitter
- Click here to go to the list of freelancers in social media.
- Click here to go to the list of professionals using social media.
- Click here to go to the list of bloggers
Hi There,
We are a new marketing services business with a new site www.generationomarketing.com. I We would like to give you free advertising on our site in the “sponsors” section, exchange links with you, and in exchange for the free advertising maybe post some of your great marketing professional geared content on our site in the “resources” section and in our “Generation “O” Blog”.
We will be starting email campaigns directed to marketers in about a week to drive marketing audiences to our site, which could drive more membership to your site as well.
Please let me know if you are interested and what your requirements would be in order for us to do this.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Mercedes Oz
Generation "O" Marketing
twitter: http://twitter.com/GenerationO
blog: http://generationomarketing.com/resources/blog1.php
LinkedIn Profile: http://linkedin.com/pub/3/32b/761
949 305-6168
I haven't checked all your sites so far, but those five I manahed to look through really impressed me! How long are you in this business? There's always field for improvement, sure thing, but this is what a good site should be!
Have a look at my creation - rapidshare search engine . What would you say about it? Thanks for your time!
i also checked all sites but i think all is very good and nice but if you concentrate more thne you can get more results.
Hey guys, PLEASE DO NOT spam this site with links. I follow this site closely and will remove them if they are not related to social media.
Thanks for understanding.
Desarae A. Veit
Agency Couture | Sniki.org
proweb365 is also a Business Using Social Media to Connect with Clients