IBM Lotus Connections

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IBM Lotus Connections is a proprietary Web-based social software application distributed by the Lotus Software division of IBM. The goal of Lotus Connections is to empower companies to be more innovative and help them execute more quickly by using dynamic networks of coworkers, partners and customers.

It was announced at Lotusphere 2007. Version 1.0 shipped on June 27, 2007. Version 2.0 shipped in June, 2008.

Lotus Connections has five parts: Profiles, Communities, Blogs, Dogear (social bookmarking), and Activities.

All Lotus Connections applications are built on a set of services according to the service-oriented architecture concept. The services are all independent of each other and can be integrated into existing applications.

Additional widgets can be added by IT administrators, using Google Gadgets or other services.

Lotus Connections enables social networking capability far beyond corporate boundary, which federates multiple directory infrastructure simultaneously.

* 1 System Requirements
* 2 Plugins
* 3 References
* 4 External links

[edit] System Requirements

* Operating Systems[1]
o Windows Server 2003 Standard or Enterprise Edition
o Red Hat Enterprise Linux® ES release 4 (Nahant Update 4)
o SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
o AIX and later (Power 4 and 5)

* Application Servers[1]
o IBM WebSphere ( or better)

* Databases[1]
o Oracle (10g or better recommended)
o IBM DB2 (v9.1 FP4 or better recommended)
o SQL Server (2005 or better recommended)

* LDAP Servers[1]
o IBM Tivoli® Directory Server and 6.1
o IBM Lotus Domino 7.0.2, 8.0, and 8.0.1
o Microsoft Active Directory 2003 SP2, and Active Directory Application Mode
o Sun Java System Directory Server 5.2 (iPlanet) and 6
o Novell eDirectory 8.8

[edit] Plugins

Lotus Connections integrates into existing applications via plug-ins. Out-of-the-box, the following plugins are available:

* Lotus Notes v7+
* Lotus Sametime v7.5+
* Microsoft Office
* Microsoft Outlook
* RIM BlackBerry
* WebSphere Portal

Integration with Microsoft Sharepoint and Microsoft Office Communications Server has also been done.

[edit] References

1. ^ a b c d "Detailed system requirements - Lotus Connections 2.0",, 2008

[edit] External links

* Lotus Connections website

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