Dld Conference

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About DLD - Digital, Life, Design Conference in Munich

DLD (Digital, Life, Design) is Europe's conference for the 21st century, covering digital innovation, science and culture.

DLD (Digital, Life, Design) is Europe's conference for the 21st century, covering digital innovation, science and culture and bringing together thought leaders from Europe, the Middle-East, America and Asia. The three-day event is chaired by publisher Hubert Burda and investor Joseph Vardi and hosted by Stephanie Czerny and Marcel Reichart.

02.13 "Mobile social networking is the next big thing. The most excitement at DLD surrounded communities-on-the-hoof. Ignore Myspace and Friendster. Keep your eye out for area/code, the New York startup thatís using mobile networking to facilitate large-scale, real-world multiplayer games…" —ñ Randall Rothenberg, Ad Age on area/code

"DLD is for people interested in WHAT IS NEXT, THE INNOVATORS."

Genetics, New Business Models, Algorithms, Social Networks, What is the Future of Advertising, Market Places, Future City, Energy

DLD09 is scheduled for January 25-27, 2009

Martha Stewart stays optimistic

Martha Stewart (on the left, with Catherina Fake), who received the Aenne Burda Award at DLD08, stays on the path of success. Despite an uncertain economic environment, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Inc. confirms that still an EBITDA in the range // more

DLD - Digital, Life, Design Conference in Munich· 30/07/08 · 3:58 PM· 0 comments

The Lift conference goes to Korea!

Our close friends from the Lift conference - called "one of the highlights of the technophile calendar by the BBC" - announced that Lift is coming to Korea for the second time on September 4, 5 and 6, 2008. Lift // more



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