Sniki Wiki> Social Media > categories > Organizations > AdFed > Conferences, Meetups and Expos > AdFed Calendar > The Show

The Show
November 7
11.7.2008, 5:00pm
First Ave
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Event Files
* The Show 2008 (Web Link)
This landmark music venue has seen its share of legendary shows, but nothing like The Show 2008. If you feel your work goes to eleven, it's time to take center stage and bask in the spotlight. There's a star-studded line-up of judges and entertainment, so submit your best stuff and come party like a, well, you know. Official Site
The Show Rocks First Avenue!
This landmark music venue has seen its share of legendary shows, but nothing like The Show 2008. If you feel your work goes to eleven, it's time to take center stage and bask in the spotlight. There's a star-studded line-up of judges and entertainment, so submit your best stuff and come party like a, well, you know.
Entries due by 5 p.m. on Friday, June 6th, 2008.
Thank you to all our sponsors:
Agency of Record:
Infinity Direct
Interactive Agency of Record:
Catalyst Studios
Thank you to all our contributors:
Unleashed Productions
One Simple Plan
Lucas Saugen
Orbit Studios
Priority Publications
MN Rollergirls
Audio Altimeter
First, all submissions must be registered online. You can then choose to pay by credit card (preferred) or check (payable to AD FED/The Show). Single entries are $85 and campaigns are $95. Student single entries are $30 and campaigns are $40. Mixed media is $95. After you've registered your submissions, send payment (if by check), a master list of all entries, and follow the instructions below regarding submitting the sample media. You can print a master list and labels from your online account.
Depending on the category, the sample media will either be submitted online, on videotape, or mounted (foam core, matte board, etc.) For each mounted piece, the proof or tearsheet must be trimmed with no more than a two-inch margin around the live area. Spray-mount the creative to the front, then spray-mount label to the back. If your entry is bulky, valuable or larger than 20" x 30 please submit a 11 x 17 hardcopy and list the actual size on the front of the entry.
All categories (except for digital media) will require a label taped to the back of the entry (labels can be printed from your account.) With your submissions, include a master list of all entries. Please submit an unmounted 11x17 page with 3-5 screen grabs for each site/or digital media. Please attached label to the back of this page. Place all digital entries in a single envelope label digital entries. See individual categories for more specific details.
Throughout, a "campaign" consists of 3-5 pieces and a "page" is anything less than a full 2-page spread. Exceptions are noted per category. All pieces of a campaign must be in the same medium, all created in the past year. Pieces of the print campaign should be placed together in an envelope and make sure each label lists the titles for all three pieces and a label is on each of the campaign pieces.
Digital Media
Only URLs will be accepted and judged. These can be entered with your online submission. Also, as part of your online entry, you also can submit information regarding 1) project description, 2) target audiences and 3) technologies used. Finally, Please submit an unmounted 11x17 page with 3-5 screen grabs for each site/or digital media. Please attach label to the back of this page. Place all web entries in a single envelope labeled Digital Media entries. These will not be used for judging of the work but as reference.
We are not accepting CDs, DVDs or disks. NONE. To submit materials that were originally run on these media, you must create a self-contained (packaged), cross-platform, run-time file that is compatible with a common operating environment and host it on your own servers. Then, during the submission process you can submit the URL that will launch this file from your servers. Websites must remain live through the end of October.
Mixed Media
There is a significant change to submitting in this category this year! We would request your submission as a video documentary that is no longer than 3 minutes. We are only only accepting video submissions!
This category is for cross platform campaigns: 5-10 pieces in a minimum of three separate media (e.g. 2 print ads, two TV commercials, 1 radio commercial, 3 outdoor boards and a website). When entering this submission online, if there is a web component, enter the URL, but also provide screen grabs of any digital media and/or video for the sake of judging clarity.
Simple outline for documentary video:
Title of Intergraded work
Optional - write statement/ explanation of work
Title of work
Title of work
No advantage will be given if you choose to have a voice over.
"Local" photographer refers to a photographer operating in the state of MN. Imagery can be created on location out of state but photographer must be based in Minnesota. “Out of State” refers to photography created for an agency by a photographer out of the state of MN. Send a printed piece and/or photograph. Please do not submit original pieces because they cannot be returned.
Cause Marketing (Pro Bono)
Any work submitted in this category cannot be submitted in any other category. Info on how to submit the various mediums as referenced in those sections applies (i.e. submit pro bono print the same way as commercial print work).
Upload your entries as an MP3 (with peaks at -3 digital scale). When naming the file, include category, agency, client, title and entry id. Like this:
Include one DVD or CD of the commercial or presentation in which the music appears. For multiple entries, assemble on DVD or CD. Attach a label for each entry to the case and a master list highlighting which entries are included.
All work must be produced in Minnesota by students enrolled in a recognized Minnesota program within the eligibility dates. You can still submit to the student category if you are currently working as a professional but produced the submission while enrolled in a Minnesota program. Please refer to the main categories for submission details.
Submit one DigitBeta, Beta SP or DVCAM/DVC Pro tape for all entries in a single category, i.e., all :30/:60 single spots on one, all campaigns on another, with slates, bars and tones. For campaigns, include three seconds of black between campaigns. Indicate on the label the titles of each commercial (all 3 for a campaign), in the order they occur on the tape. Attach label(s) to each case and include a master list highlighting which entries are on the media.
Download Categories List
Category List
1. Alt Media
1. Viral/Guerilla
2. Other
2. Consumer Magazine
1. Single Ad page
2. Single Ad spread
3. Campaign (3 - 5 items)
3. Digital Media
1. Banner
2. Email (newsletters, blasts, etc.)
3. Micro Site (including games)
4. Self-Promotion (individuals, small business)
5. eCommerce (online shopping)
6. Corporate Promotion (internet, intranet, extranet)
7. Corporate Promotion (originally on CD & DVD)
8. Blog
9. Other (podcast, phone)
4. Direct Marketing (Business-to-Business)
1. Single
2. Campaign (3-5 items)
5. Direct Marketing (Consumer)
1. Single
2. Campaign (3-5 items)
6. Graphic Design
1. Logo
2. Packaging
3. Identity
4. Annual Report
5. Literature (brochures, catalogs, pamphlets, etc.)
6. Publication design
7. Art Poster (not in-store, not outdoor)
8. Special Event Material (card, invitation, announcement, etc.)
9. Complete Identity programs (limit 5 pieces)
7. Illustration
8. Mixed Media/Cross-platform Campaign
1. 5-10 pieces in a minimum of three separate media (e.g. 2 print ads, two TV commercials, 1 radio commercial, 3 outdoor boards and a website).
9. Newspaper
1. Single Ad
2. Campaign (3 - 5 items)
3. Ad Specialty (FSI, polybag, etc.)
10. Out-of-Home
1. Single outdoor board (billboard, trans-stop, bus stop, bus stop bench, etc.)
2. Single transit (Ads attached to anything that moves. i.e. buses, trains, taxi-tops, wraps, etc.)
3. Single in-store print (signage, POP, end cap, hang tags, etc.)
4. Single other (trade show, kiosk, structured, in-store digital media, etc.)
5. Campaign (Any combination of out-of-home above; 3-5 items)
11. Photography
1. Local Photographer Self Promotion - Single
2. Local Photographer Self Promotion - Campaign (3 - 5 items)
3. Local Photographer Commercial - Single
4. Local Photographer Commercial - Campaign (3 - 5 items)
5. Out of State Photographer - Single
6. Out of State Photographer - Campaign (3-5 items)
12. Post-Production (film or video)
1. Editing
2. Special Effects
13. Cause Marketing (Pro Bono)
1. Television/Video, Single
2. Radio, Single
3. Print, Single Ad
4. Print, Single Collateral
5. Television/Video, Campaign (3-5 items)
6. Radio Campaign (3-5 items)
7. Print Ad Campaign (3-5 items)
8. Interactive
14. Radio
1. Single
2. Campaign (3 - 5 items)
15. Sound
1. Original Musical Score (< 3 minutes)
2. Sound Design (sound effects, remix, etc.)
16. Student
1. Print Single
2. Print Campaign (3 - 5 items)
3. Alternative Media
4. Design
5. Photography
6. TV
7. Interactive
8. Mixed Media/Cross-platform Campaign 3-5 pieces in a minimum of three separate media (e.g. 2 print ads, 1 radio commercial, 1 outdoor board and a website).
9. Radio
17. Television
1. Single
2. Campaign (3 - 5 items)
3. Single Low Budget (< $50K)
4. Campaign Low Budget (< $50K; 3-5 items)
18. Trade Magazine
1. Single Ad page
2. Single Ad spread
3. Campaign (3 - 5 items)